Important information about registering with immigration in Ireland

Sheila Mahon
Sheila Mahon
  • Updated

Disclaimer! It is the students responsibility to ensure they are meeting their obligation with immigration rules  

Immigration deal with all registration applications/renewals on a case by case basis.  Taking into account the students individual circumstances and the documents they have provided.   

The following is important information that all NCI Students should know about registering with immigration in Ireland.  

  1. Register with immigration after you have started your studies at NCI.  

  2. Check your IRP card is correct

  3.  Keep immigration updated if any of your registration details change

    • email if you move address, get a new passport, or your circumstances changed and you will not continue with your studies etc.

  4.  Your IRP card is lost or stolen.  Report it to a Garda Station immediately. Check to find your local station. Once you have an official report of the incident you can contact and they will verify your identity and documents before issuing a new card.

  5. Have your IRP card to hand at all times as you may be asked by authorities to show it at any time.

  6. Attend all your classes, tutorials and events associated with your programme of study.   

  7. Can't transfer programme within your first year.

  8. Must show you are progressing in your studies

    • Immigration expect students to pass and progress in their studies as planned.   Students who are are not progressing (due to failed subjects, deferrals, suspension, medical reasons etc.) will have to renew their student visa.  See the article 'How do I renew my student visa'?
  9. Must always have a valid and in date IRP card - NEVER LET IT EXPIRE  

    • You must start the renewal process before your visa expires.  Taking into account it can take a few weeks to gather all the required documents.  Never leave it to the last minute. See the article 'How do I renew my student visa'?
  10. Only work the hours permitted by your visa. 

    You must never exceed the hours permitted to work when on the student visa. See article 'What are the rules for working if I am on a stamp 2 student visa?'
  11. Travel when no classes are scheduled.   

  12. Immigration may refuse student Registration or Renewal. 

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