What is the process for making a Major Changes to an existing Module/Programme?

Michael Cleary-Gaffney
Michael Cleary-Gaffney
  • Updated

Requests to make a “material” change (described hereafter in this document as a “Major” change) to a validated programme are normally made as a result of the cyclical QQI revalidation process, or the NCI Annual Programme Monitoring process, subject to QQI approval.

Programme Directors are asked to complete a Programme Change Request form for proposals to make a major change a programme, or a module on a QQI-validated programme in the NCI portfolio. The Programme Lifecycle Management (PLM) Executive Sub-Group (ESG), chaired by the Vice-President, will consider all PCRF forms within two weeks of submission to the Quality and Institutional Effectiveness Office (QIE), to ensure all proposals are considered in a timely manner.

Programme Directors should not use this form to capture details of minor modifications to modules or programmes.


Major (“Material”) Changes to a programme

This form should be used to propose major modifications only.

  1. A major modification: including but not limited to:
    • the addition of a new elective stream/learning pathway for students;
    • the addition of new modules/replacement of modules on a validated programme;
    • a change to entry requirements for admission to a programme;
    • a change to existing or the introduction of new collaborative provision
    • the introduction of a new mode of delivery and learning, such as blended or online learning
    • the removal/replacement/addition of a new Programme Learning Outcome (MIPLO);
    • a major change to the programme assessment strategy (e.g. weighting of assessment-types across the programme or introduction of a new assessment type for more than one module)
    • A new delivery location (off-campus)

The Major Change Request Form should be counter-signed by the Dean/Director of CELL/Director of ELI (as appropriate), to confirm support for the proposal at a School/Centre level. Programme proposers will be invited to attend the respective PLM ESG discussion to answer any questions on the proposed change. The role of the PLM ESG is to recommend whether the major change can proceed, subject to approval by QQI and noting by the Academic Council.

A major modification will normally take place in sync with the scheduled cyclical (five-yearly) QQI revalidation but it can arise out of sync with revalidation through the Annual Monitoring Process (APM).  A major change may result in the need for a Differential QQI validation. The decision on whether a DV is required rest with QQI, in consultation with the Director of QIE.


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