What is the process for developing a new academic programme?

Michael Cleary-Gaffney
Michael Cleary-Gaffney
  • Updated

Programme Proposers must complete a POP form (see attached) for all new programme opportunities for consideration by the NCI Programme Lifecycle Management (PLM) Executive Sub-Group (ESG). Chaired by the Vice-President, the PLM Executive Sub-Group will consider all POP forms within two weeks of submission to the Quality and Institutional Effectiveness Office (QIE), to ensure all opportunities are considered in a timely manner. 

The POP Form should be counter-signed by the Dean/Director of CELL/Director of ELI(as appropriate), to confirm support for the proposal at a School/Centre level. Programme proposers will be invited to attend the respective PLM ESG discussion to discuss their proposal. The role of the PLM ESG is to reach a decision on whether to recommend that the programme proposal advances for further development and application to QQI for validation.

It is important to clarify that the POP form does not require details about the academic structure of the proposed programme (for example, the programme learning outcomes or the curriculum structure). This information will be required at the subsequent stages of the PLM process. The POP form requires the programme proposer to present the key strategic relevance and benefits, and the anticipated resource implications of the proposed programme(s), so that a “green light” can be given for further development of programme structure and content.


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