The Student Counselling and Wellness Service offers a supportive and encouraging environment where students can talk with one of the counsellors about any struggles or difficulties they may be facing while they are in college.
Deciding to go to college is a big step, which may feel daunting. Students face many new challenges and sometimes college life can be stressful. These challenges could be academic, career, or personal problems that can interfere with students' ability to take full advantage of the College experience. Counselling can be a helpful and supportive place to start.
Considering Counselling?
Counselling provides a dedicated time and space to explore any issues you are concerned about.
Counsellors are specially trained to listen carefully and offer a supportive, nonjudgmental environment. This allows you to engage in self-reflection, focusing on your well-being and personal growth.
You can also receive guidance on finding additional support and the best steps to move forward.
If you’re interested in discussing your difficulties with a counsellor in a confidential setting, NCI’s Student Counselling and Wellness Service offers Online Support, One-to-One Counselling & Workshops. Your first appointment will be a brief consultation to determine the best approach for you.
If you're a student struggling to cope, please contact us using your NCI email at
We are here to help!
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