Once you have accepted your Place and Reset your Password you are required to pay fees to complete your registration. Please note if you do not pay fees and are not registered before classes commence you will have difficulty accessing Teams Events.
- You can register online using MyDetails. Please ensure you have your MyDetails user name (x + student number) and password (which you have just set above) to hand before proceeding to this step.
- You must have read the Full Time Registration before starting this process to ensure you know what fee you must pay.
- Payments are protected by 3D Secure which may mean a verification step is required, therefore please ensure that the cardholder is present when making the payment.
- CAO applicants, Mature Students and Advanced Entry Students must pay fees and register online at least two days before your course commences.
Fees Information
Information about full time undergraduate fees can be found in the Full Time Registration document.
Students who are not in receipt of SUSI funding for the Student Contribution Fee (SCF), please note the following:
- The Student Contribution Fee (SCF) for the academic year 2023/2024 is €3,000.
- If you were not awarded grant funding from a local authority/VEC/SUSI, you must pay at least 20% of the SCF to register, plus the €80 gym fee.
- Please note that 50% of the SCF must be paid by 30th November, with the balance payable at the start of the second semester.
- If you elect to sign up for a Direct Debit, then the direct debit payment commences 5th October. If you choose the direct debit option, you must pay a 20% deposit online and fill out thedirect debit formand return it tofees@ncirl.iebefore your course commences.
Students in receipt of a SUSI grant, please note the following:
If you have applied for the student grant through SUSI you are not required to pay the SCF to register online. However you must provide the college with confirmation that you have made an application to SUSI for the grant. The following will be deemed acceptable as confirmation you have applied to SUSI:
- A copy of your letter from SUSI confirming you have made an application
- A printed screenshot of your SUSI online application account which displays your name and your SUSI ID
- You may already have received confirmation of your awarded grant from SUSI, if you have this, please provide us with a copy
The above should be provided to the Fees Office by email atfees@ncirl.ie.
Self Funding Students
If you have a fee category of self-funding you are liable to pay the following: - Tuition fees - Student contribution fee - Gym membership fee
In order to be registered for the upcoming academic year you must pay the following at a minimum:
50% of the student contribution fee (€1,500) AND 50% of your tuition fees AND €80 gym membership fee in full
BA Honours in Psychology (Full Time)
This course is not covered under the free fees initiative. The fee for this course is €6250 + €80 gym membership. Students can apply to SUSI in respect of funding for this course.
Issues logging in?
- Please remember your username is x followed directly by your student number (for example, x21111111)
- Please ensure you set up a password for MyDetails as well as your general IT accounts as described in Step 1.
- If you are having further difficulty with your login details, please contact theIT helpdesk quoting your student name and number, and including a screenshot of the error message you are receiving. A member of the Helpdesk Team will get back to you.
Prefer to Talk to Someone?
If you would like to pay your fees over the phone using a credit/debit card you can call 1800 221 721. However you must have read the Full Time Registration document to self-assess your fee status first.
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