How do I apply for the masters top-up?

Sheila Mahon
Sheila Mahon
  • Updated

How to Apply

To register for the Masters Top Up Award students should contact admissions by email at

Students must apply to complete the Top Up with admissions and pay the appropriate fee which is significantly higher than the repeat fee.

Students can only complete the MSc Top Up Award if the programme is still running.

Applicants wishing to apply for the Masters top-up award after 24 months from the date of completion their Post Graduate Diploma will be reviewed by the School who will approve all applications for TopUp Awards.

Students will be given the timelines for completion of the Top-Up Award by the School.


Award Classification

Students should note that there is a possibility that the highest classification they can achieve for the Masters Top-Up is a PASS. The reason for this is dependent on when the student requested to exit and if they have attempted or had the opportunity to attempt their dissertation


Top Up Award and Student Visa

Students must be resident in Ireland when completing the programme. 

Students cannot register as a full-time student to complete the Top-Up Award as it does not meet the government guidelines for a Student Visa. Therefore, they must complete it while on a graduate visa / work permit /critical skills visa.


Additional Requirements

Due to the nature of some programmes and with advances in Technology, students may have to complete additional requirements to obtain the Top-Up Award.


Number of attempts to complete Top-up

Students may have one attempt to complete the Top Up Award. The reason for this is dependent on when the student requested to exit and if they had attempted or had the opportunity to attempt their dissertation.

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