How do I apply for a deferral?

Sheila Mahon
Sheila Mahon
  • Updated

In exceptional circumstances (e.g. illness or bereavement) students may request deferrals of:

  • Exam/Assessment
  • Module
  • Programme

Supporting documents are required in all cases.  Deferrals are usually processed within 10 working days and granted at the Registrar's discretion.

International students considering a deferral should contact International Support to discuss their situation and the impact on their student visa.

Deferrals and the impact on International Students Visa

Immigration expect students to progress and complete their programme within the original timelines and to graduate as planned. 

  • Students who are approved for a deferral and who will not graduate as planned must renew their student visa to the new graduation date.   
  • The International Office can only provide a visa renewal letter when the student is registered for the new academic year.  

It is important to note that a deferral may impact visa renewal.  The decision to renew a students visa is up to the immigration officer dealing with the students individual case and NCI cannot lobby or intervene on behalf of students.  For more information please see How do I Renew my Student Visa?

Exam/Assessment deferral

Students must request exam/major assessment deferrals on NCI360. Instructions how to do so can be found here. The deadline to apply is 5 days after the exam. Once your deferral is granted your exam will be postponed to the next time the exam runs again, in line with your course registration. The exams office confirm when a student will sit the deferred exam. The Programme Coordinator will confirm the deferred deadline for a project.


Module deferral

Students must request module deferrals on NCI360. Instructions how to do so can be found here. The deadline to apply is before Reading week of that semester. Once your deferral is granted you will return to your studies in line with the course timetable you are registered on. Students will complete the deferred module in the following academic year in line with the programme timeline


Programme deferral

This type of deferral can only be granted for one year and can only be granted by the Registrar. Programme deferrals must be requested on NCI360. For information on how to defer a place see here The deadline to apply is before reading week within the 1st semester of your programme. Under exceptional circumstances students may defer their programme at a later stage of their studies.



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