In Ireland the first place to go to for a health problem is your GP (General Practitioner) and not the hospital. Only go to the hospital if you are seriously ill (in cases of emergency).
NCI Medical Service (GP)
NCI offers a subsidised Medical Service for all full time registered students at the Hanover Medical Centre.
To make an appointment with a GP email: or phone (01) 6750040.
Students must bring a valid student card for the current academic year to their appointment.
The subsided rate of €15 is available to registered students for the semesters during the academic year
as follows:
- September Intakes – From first week of class in September until 31 August the following year
- January Intakes (School of Computing) - From first week of class in January until 31 December the same year
- January Intakes (School of Business) - From first week of class in January until 31 August of the following year
Outside of these times Students will pay the full price of €70 to visit the GP.
Cancellations or No Shows: If you cancel (less than 2 hours) or fail to attend your appointment you will be
charged €35 and will lose your concession price of €15 for future doctor visits.
If you require further treatment the doctor will provide a referral letter to a specialist / hospital.
Please see the Student Services page here for more information.
Out of surgery hours: you can visit D Doc or VHI Swift Clinics but you will pay up a fee from €125.
Emergency Numbers
When you see someone who appears to be seriously ill, injured or at risk of dying you must call one of the emergency number: 999 or 112. These numbers work from any phone and are free of charge. 112 also
works in any EU country from any phone, free of charge. For more information please see the HSE Webpage.
Hospital and A&E
If you use the hospital accident & emergency services without a doctor’s referral you will be charged €100. Students who have been living in Ireland for one year or who will be studying here for at least one year will be treated as ordinarily resident and will pay a standard fee of €100 for a non-referral visit.
If you are admitted to hospital a standard fee of €80/day will be applied. When referred to hospital you
must contact your insurance provider immediately.
Medical Insurance
As an International student you must have medical insurance with hospital cover for your visa. The NCI website as information on medical insurance requirements for international students and information on policies you an can buy and they are linked here for you.
Insurance Claims
To claim back money you have spent on doctors’ visits, medicine, hospital stays etc. you must contact
your insurance provider. You will find details on how to make a claim on your insurance policy. Usually there is an excess that you have to carry yourself (approx. €100 / €150 depending on your insurance company). Any amount above the excess you can claim back.
NCI Student Counselling & Wellness Service
The Student Counselling and Wellness Service at NCI offers a Free, Confidential, Professional Counselling service to all full time students. Issues often discussed are stress, anxiety, depression, or personal issues that may be interfering with your studies. They also run Wellness Workshops, Chillout sessions, and
Connect Café’s so keep an eye out for those too.
To make an appointment call or text: 086 878 3086
For more information please see this webpage
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