How do I apply for a PPS number?

Sheila Mahon
Sheila Mahon
  • Updated


Important Note

International Students must have travelled to Ireland and be resident in Ireland to apply for the PPSN for the purpose of full-time studies. 


Applying for a PPSN

The process to apply for a PPSN changed in December 2020 and you can now apply for it online with the following steps.  

1. Set up a basic at MyGovID Account at
2. Go to and apply online for a PPSN.


Checklist to apply for PPSN

  • Proof of ID = Your Passport
  • Evidence of why you need a PPSN = NCI PPSN Letter addressed to the Tax Office confirms that students require a PPSN for their studies 
  • Proof of Address = NCI PPSN Letter is also accepted as proof of address.
    • Note, you must have secured your long-term accommodation such as Student Residences or private rented accommodation and have updated your MyDetails account with your address (home and mailing address). Short-term temporary accommodation can not be used when applying for the PPSN.


How do I get the NCI PPSN Letter?

You can obtain this letter on the Student Letter hub on NCI360

Please note only registered students will have access to the Student Letter Hub. New students won't have access to the student letter hub until a few days before classes commence. 


Why do I need a PPSN?

  • The awarding body for NCI is QQI (Quality and Qualifications Ireland). QQI requires all students to have a PPSN to graduate and receive their parchment.
  • A PPSN is also needed to work in Ireland as it is required for tax purposes.


Update your student record / Inform NCI

You must update your student record and inform NCI about your PPS number so and you can graduate. If you're not able to edit your MyDetails account please submit a request to student services so they can update it manually. 

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