What are the fees to Repeat by Attending?

Sinead Kavanagh
Sinead Kavanagh
  • Updated

Repeat By Attending - Undergraduate Students (Full-time)

Students who have attempted the repeat assessment in the August exam session and are unsuccessful are required to repeat by attending in the following Academic year.  The registration form can be found here. Please note that the fees are as follows:

Repeat 1 module   €750
Repeat 2 modules €1250
Repeat 3 modules €1750
Repeat 4 modules €2250
Repeat 5 modules €2750
Repeat 6 modules or more €3250

Repeat by Attending - Undergraduate Students (Part-time)

Per module* €500

*capped at course fee

Repeat by Attending - Postgraduate Students (Full-time & Part-time)

Per module* €500

*capped at course fee, excluding Dissertation/Final Project

  Business  Computing
Masters  750.00 1,000.00
Other 500.00 750

*Research Methods module is included in the above price

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