How do I create a Breakout Room in Teams?

Paul Hughes
Paul Hughes
  • Updated

Note: Please ensure you are using the Teams application as this feature will not be available on Teams through the browser.

1. Start the meeting.

2. From the menu bar at the top of the Teams meeting click on the Rooms tab. You will be presented with a breakout rooms menu on the right hand side. 

3. The create breakout rooms menu will now allow you to start creating rooms. Select the number of rooms you want (50 max), and whether you want Teams to assign people to rooms (Automatically) or you want to choose the people for each room yourself (Manually).

Note: This is the only time you can choose to have people automatically assigned to breakout rooms. You won't be able to change this option later in the meeting. If you have 20 people in the meeting and choose 4 rooms Teams will equally populate each rooms.  

4. Finally Select Create Rooms.

How do I assign people to breakout rooms manually in Teams?

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