How do I contact a member of the Student Union on Teams?

Paul Hughes
Paul Hughes
  • Updated

The student union President and Vice President are both available on Teams and can be added to a call or a team. You can also instant message them on Teams. The following article will show you how to achieve this. 

Naming - Please note that in Teams the two users have been setup with the following names, please use these when searching for the user.

  • NCISU President
  • NCISU Vice President

Invite a member to a Teams meeting.

When creating a meeting in teams click into the participants section and start typing NCISU President or NCISU Vice President.


Once you send the invite out the student union member will receive an email and the event will be added to their Teams calendar. 

Invite a member into a meeting that has started.

If you are in a meeting and want to invite a member of the student union into the meeting open participants and in the invite someone section start typing the users name again in this case either NCISU President or NCISU Vice President. Once you click on the name the person will be added automatically. 


Send an instant message to a member using Teams.

You can send a Student Union member an instant message using teams. Navigate to the search bar at the top of Teams and start typing NCISU now select the member you want to chat with.


You can now start typing a message here to contact the NCISU member, you can also do this if you want to call or video call the member. There are two options in the top right allowing you to call them. 


You also have the option to share files with the user in the chat, just click on the attachment symbol at the bottom of the chat bar and choose where you want to upload your file from. 


Adding member to a Team and Sharing files. 

You can create a team and add a member of the Student Union to the team. The members of the Student Union can also create Teams and add members.

When setting up the team under the add people section start typing NCISU and choose which member you want to add. 


Once the team is created you will see a files section where you can add files or folders which the Student Union member will now have access to, its safe way to share files within a group setting. 



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