- If you fail at the first attempt, you can repeat the exam at the repeat sitting. This is called repeat by assessment or exam (resits). Students who fail the exam on their first attempt are not required to retake the course. They only need to complete resits.
- Students that fail both at first attempt and resits must repeat by attending classes in the following academic year. This is called repeat by attending.
Please note that students must know the repeat strategy information before requesting their visa renewal letter from the International Office as the renewal letter must state the students new graduation date. Please see below the article for information on how to request this letter and renew your student visa.
How do I Renew my Student Visa?
How do I repeat by assessment or exam (resits)?
There are timelines when repeat sittings are scheduled for your intake and you must follow them.
When are the resits?
- Students that start in September sit the repeat exams in August.
- Students in the School of Computing that start in January sit the repeat exams the following January.
- Students in the School of Business that start in January sit semester 1 repeat exams in August and semester 2 and 3 exams the following August.
How can I register for resits?
Repeat registrations are processed by the Exams office.
- Complete the online repeat registration form
- Submit the completed form within the deadline. Registration is not immediate and can take a few days.
- Students must confirm the repeat strategy for their repeat modules with Academic Operations as only they can confirm when and how you will repeat modules.
How do I repeat by attending?
Students that fail at first attempt and resits must repeat by attending classes in the following academic year. This is a requirement from NCI as it gives students the best chance at succeeding.
How can I register to repeat by attending?
Repeat registrations are processed by the Exams office.
- Complete the online repeat registration form
- Submit the completed form within the deadline. Registration is not immediate and can take a few days.
- Students must confirm the repeat strategy for their repeat modules with Academic Operations as only they can confirm when and how you will repeat modules.
Other recommendations
It is strongly recommended that Students apply for feedback on their failed module. To do this, students must follow the process and timelines required to register for feedback with Academic Operations.
Counselling Service
If you are feeling distressed about your results, you can contact the Student Counselling and Wellness Service.
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